Coaching traject

Learn to capture exceptional animals.

Are you a (starting) dog or horse photographer and ready to take yourself, your business, your photography skills to the next level? Then this personal coaching programme is for you! 


Is this relatable to you?

Ben je al een tijdje aan het fotograferen, maar heb je het gevoel dat je niet echt vooruitgang boekt?

Je maakt graag mooie foto’s van je viervoeter, maar weet je niet waar te beginnen.

Heb je een camera, maar raak je in de war door al die knopjes en wil je eindelijk de automatische stand achter je laten?

Droom je ervan om te groeien als honden- of paardenfotograaf, maar weet je niet hoe je moet beginnen?

Heb je behoefte aan structuur in je werkwijze, zowel tijdens het fotograferen als bij het bewerken van je foto’s?

Misschien heb je al een paar workshops gevolgd, maar merk je dat je verlangt naar meer persoonlijke begeleiding en langdurige ondersteuning.

Maak je geen zorgen, want de tijd van worstelen is voorbij. Laat mij je helpen tijdens jouw persoonlijke coachingstraject!

Years of experience as an animal photographer

With years of experience as an animal photographer, I will help you improve your photographic skills.

Through my experience I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and insights, I teach you all these valuable lessons to help you grow without you having to experience the same stumbling blocks as I did at the time . .

I not only teach you my best tips and tricks, I give you a unique opportunity to realise your dream photos. I will teach you what techniques work best when capturing animals in different conditions and give you the challenges you may encounter while shooting. 

The knowledge gained will help you progress faster and more effectively in your photographic journey. 

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Go from pictures like this 😕👆🏻

To pictures like this 🤩👇🏻

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Go from pictures like this 😕

To pictures like this 🤩 🤩

How does it work?

You look at the different pathways and decide if I am the right match for you.

Totally ready to go for it or do you still have some questions? 

Schedule your introductory meeting and get all your questions answered.

Are you excited and ready to get started? Then we will plan the coaching sessions of your journey together!

Give yourself a kickstart?
Do it here!

Tijdens jouw persoonlijke coachingstraject ontdek je hoe je de honden- of paardenfoto’s van je dromen kunt maken en je vaardigheden naar een hoger niveau kunt tillen. Het traject wordt volledig afgestemd op jouw wensen en doelen, omdat we geloven dat standaard workshops niet voldoende zijn. Het is tijd voor een authentiek en op maat gemaakt traject speciaal voor jou!

Jouw persoonlijke traject omvat een verscheidenheid aan op maat gemaakte workshops en opdrachten, portfolio reviews, waardevolle feedback en zelfs een exclusieve brandingfotoshoot. Met al deze tools in handen, zul je een vliegende start kunnen maken en jezelf naar nieuwe hoogten kunnen brengen!

Coaching packages

3-month journey

  • Introduction interview
  • 2 private photography workshops
  • 2 private photoshop workshops
  • Home assignments
  • (Branding) photoshoot
  • 1 SOS video calls
  • 2 portfolio reviews; beginning - end

6-month journey

  • Introduction interview
  • 2 private photography workshops
  • 2 private walk-with-me days at location of your choice
  • 2 private photoshop workshops
  • Home assignments
  • (Branding) photoshoot
  • 4 SOS video calls
  • 3 portfolio reviews; beginning- middle - end
  • Book: everything you need to know about basic dog photography and photoshop

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is an explanation of the most frequently asked questions. 

Is your question not among them? Then don't hesitate to contact me. 

Yes! The course is suitable not only for the enterprising dog or horse photographer but also for people who want to take their photography skills to the next level. 

For example, are you a dog owner and just want to be able to take beautiful pictures of your dog? Then I would be happy to help you with that!


Of course! Sure, during your personal programme I will explain all the basics about photography and photoshop in easy language.

This will be immediately applied to dog and horse photography, making it easier to understand.

Of course! I am of the principle that you are never completely unlearned! Even as a slightly more experienced dog and horse photographer, you can still learn things. 

The course will be completely tailored to your needs, wishes and stumbling blocks. 

To understand photography, there are obviously some basic technical terms. I will do my best, both during the photography and photoshop sections, to explain the terminology to you in easy to understand language. 

We also immediately apply all the theory in practice, which makes everything much easier to understand. 

Definitely! The course is put together entirely based on your needs, wishes and stumbling blocks 

A group or private workshop is rather limited in time, so not everything can be discussed or practised in detail. Developing certain skills simply takes time to master. Practice makes perfect! During your personal programme, we take the time necessary to develop and refine your skills by practising several times.

Do you have ambitions to offer your dog or horse photos commercially? Then of course, great branding photos cannot be missing to put yourself in the picture! During the process, we agree on a day when we will set off together to take your awesome branding photos.

Just want to take your photography and editing skills to the next level and don't need branding photos? Then I offer you a photo session with your own animal instead. 

During the coaching process, you may submit 5 photos several times. 

I then review your photos for photographic technical aspects, as well as editing. I will give additional tips and tricks, and adjust where necessary, to bring your photos to an even better result. 💪🏼 

At the end of the process, we compare your photos side by side. Together, we look at where you have made progress and which are still possible areas to work on. 

During the course, while doing homework or practising on your own portfolio models, you are likely to encounter some difficulties or questions. You will then obviously want answers to your questions quickly. 

The SOS video call can capture you within 2 days to get your struggles and questions off the hook. 

All information about the book can be found here

You can follow the course in Dutch or English. 

The private workshops or walk-with-me days photography are mainly taking place in the "Klein Brabant" region (Bornem). Would you like some variation in terms of surroundings? This is certainly possible, we can meet at the desired location. However, a kilometre allowance will be charged for additional travel. 

The private workshops photoshop preferably take place in my photo studio in Bornem. On request, these can also be given digitally. 

Yes, that is definitely possible! 

You can choose to pay in two instalments or by monthly instalments. 

An allowance of 5% will be charged for payment in instalments. 

There are a few options for this:

1) You already own certain equipment. 

We discuss your equipment during the introductory meeting. Is it suitable for what you want to achieve with your photos? 

  • You attend the first workshop with your own equipment. That way, you will immediately notice the things you encounter. If you do decide to buy new equipment, I can assist you in making a more considered choice.
  • During the introductory meeting, we come to the conclusion that your equipment is not suitable for your goals. I recommend some lenses that you can rent during our first workshop. You test these under my guidance after which you can make an informed choice regarding the purchase of a new lens/body.
  • You already have the ideal equipment in your possession and can follow the route with it.

2) You do not yet have any equipment prior to the course. I will give you tips and tricks during the introductory meeting on what your camera/lens should meet. With this information you can go to a photo shop to see the different brands and make a good choice 

Subsequent lenses are a nice addition anyway: 

  • 85mm 1.4
  • 105mm 1.4
  • 135mm 1.4
  • 70-200mm 2.8 